“The Caterpillar Girl” highlights the themes of suppressed identity and struggling to be yourself. I reference the story of my own upbringing, as well as the interviews with other Easter-European women who emigrated from my home country of Belarus. The short film explores the topics of stereotypical representation of women in my society and the desire to leave your "cocoon" in order to transform into the truest version of yourself. The symbol of the film is a butterfly, that represents hope, freedom, and transformation. They enter the worlds of the characters, bringing with them light, magic and rhythm. The girls that lived in their cocoons of self-doubt, judgement, oppression, and shame are now following the butterflies on their way to metamorphosis and a new future. I was inspired by the story of my friends, blended with my own story of leaving Belarus and trying to build a new self in a society different from my own. The film is made entirely by me, with the music of extremely talented friend of mine Guus van der Putten.